




Maughanby or Glassonby School has lain for some years in a very bad condition. There were no trustees or governors of any kind, the original trust deed having been lost, or, as it is supposed, stolen from the parish chest. Since that loss, the Bishop of Carlisle has appointed the schoolmasters from time to time. The master has had the choice of a tenant for the school farm in the yard of which the present schoolhouse stands. It is best described as a disgraceful hovel. The farm land was copyhold with a fine certain to the lord of the manor of Maughanby of £2001 on death of lord or tenant. At one time it appeared likely that the school would be closed owing to the master’s inability to meet the imminent payment of this heavy fine. Fortunately the land (about 80 acres) has been enfranchised, and the lord’s rights have been commuted for a rentcharge of £15 per annum. The land is let from year to year for £100, which leaves £85 for the master. Notwithstanding the good salary it has not hitherto been possible to secure good masters in the absence of trustees, the present master is a “deputy” appointed by the late schoolmaster, who was, for some time before resigning, unable to discharge his duties. There is no playground except the farmyard in which the school building stands. The late master pronounced this to be 0.0985275 of an acre in extent. He professed to teach botany, arithmetic, geography, reading, and writing, but the children wee in reality confined to the most elementary subjects. The present “deputy” master had given the children a holiday for three weeks at the time of my visit; this, however, was of little importance as the Charity Commissioners have granted a scheme for the management of the charity. The bishop, archdeacon, vicar, and two gentlemen of the neighbourhood are now trustees. They will probably raise the rent of the tenant of the school farm to its full value, perhaps £115 or £120 per annum. They propose also to make all the children pay quarter-pence, as the freedom of the school to the whole parish has produced great irregularity in the children’s attendance. No Latin is to be taught in future, but the school is to be conducted as an ordinary village or national school, and to be placed under Government inspection. It is to be hoped that new buildings will be raised in a better situation; this is not the only endowed school requiring interference in the parish. The Hunsonby School also is without governors or trustees, excepting one of the churchwardens. The vicar does not recognise a separate churchwarden for each township; the parishioners, however, insist that the township has by usage its own officer, in whom alone is the right of appointing the master and letting the land. This system produces great corruption, and it is hoped in the case of both these schools that such a state of things will be rendered impossible for the future.



(Ch. Com. Rep. V. 122. A.D.1821.)


Foundation and Endowment. - School reputed to have been founded by Rev. E. Magplelt or Mayplelt, Vicar, in 1634. Original deeds lost.

School Property. – Consists of an estate of 80 acres, with farm buildings. Annual rental £100, subject to a rentcharge to the lord of the manor Melmerby of £15.

No proper school building or playground.

Objects of Trust. -  Original trusts unknown. School to be open to children of all residents inhabitants of the parish between the ages of three and sixteen years. Fee up to 6d. a week, to be fixed by trustees. Children to attend Sunday School and church once every Sunday, subject to exemptions under conscience clause (Scheme).

Subjects of Instruction prescribed. – Reading, writing, spelling, English grammar, arithmetic, general history, and geography, and such subjects of useful knowledge as may from time to time be directed or authorized by the trustees. Religious instruction in Bible, Bible history, and (subject to conscience clause) Church catechism, and to be consonant with principles and doctrines of Church of England (Scheme).

Government and Masters. –  Scheme established by the Charity Commissioners, 15th May 1866

Bishop and Archdeacon of Carlisle and Vicar of Addingham ex officio, and two lay persons bona fide members of the Church of England, and resident in parish or within 10 miles of parish church, are trustees. Vacancies in the non-official trustees (by bankruptcy or incapacitation, or non-residence, non-membership of Church of England, failure to attend a meeting for two consecutive years, or by death or resignation,) filled by continuing trustees, subject to approval of Charity Commissioners.

Trustees appoint master and mistress, and may dismiss them for reasonable cause, or at three months’ notice. They have the power to expel children.

Master and mistress to be bona fide members of the Church of England.


State of School in Second Half-year of 1867

General Character. – A mixed elementary village school attended by 55 children of farmers and labourers, and placed by new scheme under government inspection.

A temporary master receives £85 a year from the endowment.




            Lord Bishop of Carlisle.                                                         ]

            Archdeacon of Carlisle.                                                          ] ex-officio

            Rev. A. R. Webster, Vicarage, Addingham, Penrith.                   ]

            Charles Featherstonehaugh, Esq., Staffield Hall.

            Thomas Scott, Esq., Brent House, Penrith.

Master (temporary):

            Joseph Westgarth.





Paul Haslam transcribed the original document, converted to HTML by Steve Bulman.
Paul has an interest in education in the county, and further historical documents may follow in due course.

1. In the original text money was shown as e.g. 4l, i.e. 4 librum, or £4. To avoid confusion, I've regularised all of these as £.

19 June 2015


© Steve Bulman