The Worthies of Cumberland and Westmorland

  > The following is a "List of eminent men, natives of the county of Cumberland, or who have been nearly connected with it," and also includes figures of notoriety. Commentary from myself is in square brackets. Source indicated by (J) - Jollies Cumberland Guide & Directory 1811, (MW) - Mannix & Whellan, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Cumberland, 1847, (M) - Mannix & Co., History, Topography and Directory of Westmorland, 1851, (B) - T. Bulmer, History, Topography, and Directory of Cumberland, 1901. Other entries are © Steve Bulman, unless indicated otherwise. There are frequent references to "the city", or similar; in every case this refers to Carlisle.

Addison - Armstrong, Bacon - Burn, Calvin - Dykes, Egglesfield - Grindal, Hall - Irton, Jackson - Lowther, Marlowe - Potter, Ray - Routh, Salkeld - Swift, Taylor - Troughton, Vipont - Wordsworth

Ray, Rev. John, an English divine, critic, natural philosopher, and historian, born in 1628, and died in 1705. His chief works are Collections of English Proverbs, Nomenclator Classicus, Observations, Topographical, Moral, &c., made in Foreign Countries; a Collection of unusual or local English Words, a Discourse concerning Seeds and the specific difference of Plants, History of Fishes, the Wisdom of God manifested in the Creation, Three Physico-Theological Discourses concerning Chaos, the Deluge, and Dissolution of the World, Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum, and a tract of practical divinity, entitled a Persuasive to a Holy Life. (J)

Reay, Rev. William, A.M., was the second son of Nicholas Reay, rector of Denton. After leaving the free-school at Carlisle, he went to Queen's College, Oxford. In 1755 he published a volume of Sermons, which have been well received. He was at that time curate and lecturer of Wardsworth till the event of his death in 1756. There is a branch of the ancient family of that name, settled at Gill, in the parish of Bromfield, since William the Lion King of Scotland, who gave then the grant of it. From this family sprang Bishop Reay, of Glasgow, who built the bridge there over the Clyde, which is yet standing. (J)

Relph, Rev. Josiah, - see Sebergham parish.

Richardson, Rev. William, taught the free school at Blencow a good many years. He was highly esteemed, and produced many good scholars. He published essays on moral and religious subjects, which were well received by the public. He died in 1759, aged 68 years. (J)

Ritson, Isaac, - see Penrith parish.

Robinson, Anthony, a native of Wigton, author of a History of Religious Persecution, which has gone through several editions. (J)

Robinson, the Venerable Christopher, a native of Woodside, was executed at Carlisle in 1598 for being a catholic priest during the reign of Elizabeth I. Link.

Robinson, Mary, - see the Beauty of Buttermere.

Robinson, Rev. Thomas, A.B., rector of Ousby, well-known in the literary world by the works he published on the Natural History of Cumberland and Westmorland, and Natural History of this World of Matter and this World of Life. Died in 1719. (J)

Romney, George, - famous portrait painter, see Dalton parish.

Rooke, Joseph, - see Wigton parish.

Routh, Thomas, an eminent antiquary, lived at Carlisle, in 1743. (MW)



19 June 2015

© Steve Bulman