The Worthies of Cumberland and Westmorland

  > The following is a "List of eminent men, natives of the county of Cumberland, or who have been nearly connected with it," and also includes figures of notoriety. Commentary from myself is in square brackets. Source indicated by (J) - Jollies Cumberland Guide & Directory 1811, (MW) - Mannix & Whellan, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Cumberland, 1847, (M) - Mannix & Co., History, Topography and Directory of Westmorland, 1851, (B) - T. Bulmer, History, Topography, and Directory of Cumberland, 1901. Other entries are © Steve Bulman, unless indicated otherwise. There are frequent references to "the city", or similar; in every case this refers to Carlisle.

Addison - Armstrong, Bacon - Burn, Calvin - Dykes, Egglesfield - Grindal, Hall - Irton, Jackson - Lowther, Marlowe - Potter, Ray - Routh, Salkeld - Swift, Taylor - Troughton, Vipont - Wordsworth

Acton, Abraham, - 1893 - 1915. Born at Whitehaven, he was a private in the Border Regiment, and awarded a V.C. for recovering injured men while under fire, in December 1914. He was killed the following May. Link.

Addison, Joseph, - born at Mauld's Meaburn, wrote about his experiences in Africa. His son, of the same name, was a prominent author. See Crosby-Ravensworth. (M)

Aglionby, Rev. John, a divine, of the ancient family of that name, was born in Cumberland. He was educated at Queen's College, Oxford, and was employed in the present translation of the New Testament. Died 1609. (J) [The "present translation" is presumably the Authorised Version, work on which commenced a few years before Aglionby's death.]

Airey, Rev. John, a native of Barton parish, in Westmorland, was Principal of Edmund Hall, Oxford. (M)

Saint Alricke, who lived as an anchorite on a forest near Carlisle, and died in 1107, when St. Godericke, (who was present at his death,) testifies "that he saw the soul of Alricke ascend to heaven, as it were in a spherical form of burning wind." (MW) [I have searched long and hard to find more information on this saint, without success, and would appreciate any further references to him. However, this web-site mentions St. Godrick as having spent time with a holy man in a wilderness north of Carlisle. Is this Godwin and our St. Alricke the same person?]

Anderson, Robert, a native of Carlisle, author of the Cumberland Ballads, died here in 1833, in very humble circumstances. He was a calico design penciller. There is a very neat tablet in the Cathedral to his memory, erected by subscription. (MW)

Andrew de Harcla is mentioned several times in the directory entries. Tom Hartley (to whom many thanks) has provided this potted biography of de Harcla - Andrew de Harcla was born in 1276 at Hartley Castle (the Harcla Castle) in Hartley, Kirby Stephen. He was (the or a) commander of the English forces at the battle of Bannockburn in 1314, and he defeated Thomas, Earl of Lancaster at the battle of Boroughbridge in 1321 for which he was made Lord Harcla, and later Earl of Carlisle. Sadly, it is believed as the result of some machiavelian political skulduggery, he was accused of colluding with Robert the Bruce for a truce against the King's wishes and was hung drawn and
quartered at Carlisle Castle, his head ending up on the Tower of London. His brother John was also executed, leaving his son John a ward of the king and his sister, Sarah who married Thomas de Musgrave from nearby Great Musgrave and stayed on at Hartley Castle

Appleby, Robert de, Bishop of Ossery, in Ireland, was a native of Appleby or its neighbourhood; died 1404. (M)

Appleby, Thomas de, Bishop of Carlisle, was a native of Appleby or its neighbourhood. (M) See also Annals of the Bishops.

Armstrong, -------, of Bewcastle. He entered into the army, and was advanced, through merit, to a company by the Duke of Cumberland; but returned on half-pay in 1764. He afterwards became an eminent surveyor, and was employed in the Durham and Northumberland surveys. (J)

Armstrong, Archy, jester to James I - see Arthuret parish.

Armstrong, Joseph (1816-1877), a native of Bewcastle, was Locomotive Superintendent for the Great Western Railway from 1864-1877. Link.

Armstrong the Poet - see Kirkandrews parish.




19 June 2015

© Steve Bulman